Agenda item

2018-19 Early Years Block


A verbal report was delivered at the meeting.  It was confirmed that the overall indicative budget was £15.3m. The EYFF funding rates included increases, had been confirmed and duly published:


3 and 4 year olds: £5.35 

2 year olds: £5.58

Deprivation:  75p


It was noted that these rate increases had been positively received by providers.


It was planned to continue with the same level of activity and model for 2018-19 which would require a similar level of centrally retained spend of £790,000. In principle, Schools Forum endorsed this and a detailed report would be presented at the next meeting for formal approval.


At this point, the Chair explained that Sally Eaton’s term of office as PVI member of Schools Forum was due to finish at the end of March.  The Chair thanked Sally Eaton for all the work she had done as a member of Schools Forum. It was noted that Sally Eaton had expressed an interest in being re-appointed and nominations had also been invited from the PVI sector in line with the Constitution.