Agenda item

14 - 19 Provision - Verbal Update


SBC was undertaking significant work on formulating the strategy at present. This would analyse local needs, map existing services and decide which needed to be commissioned or removed from provision, consult with partners and ensure that any gaps were eliminated. After this, recommendations would be made to the 14 – 19 Task & Finish Group. The matter would then return to the Panel.


The Panel raised the following points in discussion:


·  The level of reading and writing amongst local young people would form part of the analysis. Conversations were also being held with schools to identify key themes.

·  Standards at local schools were above national averages. Those who reached 16 without the attaining the necessary levels would continue with English and mathematics as part of functional skills provision.


Resolved:  That 14 – 19 provision be added to the agenda for 13th March 2019.