Agenda item

Joint Parenting Panel Quarterly Update


The report covered the period from December 2017 to March 2018. The body covered the Corporate Parenting Strategy 2016 – 18 and the Joint Care Leavers Strategy 2017, with each meeting conducting a themed discussion. On 13th December 2017 the focus was Priority 2 from the Corporate Parenting Strategy (our LACs and young people will be enabled to reach their educational attainment) and discussed the improved outcomes outlined in the Virtual School Annual Report 2016 – 17. In particular, the rating of the Virtual School from ‘inadequate’ to ‘good’ was testimony to its work.


7th February 2018 had been a more informal setting, aimed at helping SBC Councillors to understand their responsibility for corporate parenting and how the Children’s Services Trust and SBC could work together to improve outcomes. This had been well received and encouraged positive interaction between the organisations. Finally, 12th February’s meeting had focused on Priority 5 (our LACs and young people will be respected and engaged in planning for their future) and received case studies from the Young People’s and Housing Services (included as appendices). These had outlined challenging situations where good results had been obtained through sensitive and diligent efforts.


The Panel raised the following points in discussion:


·  The high turnover in membership of the Joint Parenting Panel was noted, and it was asked if this should be subject to the same ‘three strikes’ policy which could see scrutiny members removed from committees. However, it was also noted that the high turnover had led to problems with members’ availability and Party Groups were advised that this matter may be best managed internally. However, the importance of the support of members and officers in their responsibilities towards LACs was emphasised.


Resolved:  That the update be noted.

Supporting documents: