Agenda item

Response to Heathrow Airport Consultation Document


(a)  That the responses to the questions raised in the Airport Expansion Consultation Document, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed, subject to the amendments agreed at the meeting and any final revisions.


(b)  That the Cabinet continue to make strong representations on the key points raised in the response to Heathrow Airport and any other relevant bodies.


The Planning Policy Lead Officer introduced a report that sought approval for the Council’s proposed response to the public consultation exercise for the expansion of Heathrow Airport with a third runway and associated development.  The 10-week consultation, which would close on 28th March, was being carried out by Heathrow Airport on its emerging proposals for what the expanded airport and necessary new infrastructure could look like.  There would then be a second consultation prior to submission for planning approval through the Development Consent Order (DCO) process.


The Officer provided a detailed overview of the key aspects of the Heathrow Airport options and proposals, and the draft response of the Council as set out in Appendix A to the report.  The response highlighted concerns about the lack of coherent strategy in the way the consultation presented the options and only some of options were included as part of the consultation.  The emerging proposals had implications that raised specific concerns for Slough including the location of the runway and proposal that it be raised by 3 to 5 metres and the loss of properties resulting from the diversion of the M25.  The Council had agreed to support expansion in principle and a series of planning principles had been developed to secure the necessary mitigation.  These included a ‘Green Envelope’ to protect Colnbrook and Poyle villages, replace the Grundons energy from waste plant, promote public transport, improve air quality and provide noise insulation.  Elements of the proposed consultation, including a major new road through the Colnbrook and Poyle area, were in conflict with some of these principles and the draft response strongly reflected these concerns.


The Cabinet restated that it was supportive of expansion in principle but was critical of some of the options and proposals in the current consultation.  The ‘right’ type of expansion would provide an opportunity to develop a better Heathrow and address many of the long standing problems associated with the airport.  Several Members expressed frustration that the consultation failed to deal with many of the Council’s stated issues and created some major additional concerns.  The strong position taken in the Council’s draft response was therefore supported, particularly in relation to the specific issues affecting residents and businesses in Colnbrook with Poyle.  The Leader commented that he had already raised a number of these points directly with Heathrow Airport and would continue to do so to secure the best possible outcome for Slough as the options were refined through the consultation process.  It was proposed and agreed that a cover sheet be added to the response to summarise the headlines of the Council’s overall position.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Smith made a detailed statement outlining the concerns of residents in his ward and commented that such negative impacts were always likely to arise from expansion.  He expressed support for the strong position taken in the draft response, and made a number of specific points about the proximity of taxiways to residential properties and Pippins Primary School, the loss of amenity space, intrusion into the ‘Green Envelope’ around Colnbrook with Poyle, both the short and long term road transport problems and the possibility of a rail freight terminal.


The Cabinet noted Councillor Smith’s remarks, which were broadly in line with the proposed response, and particularly discussed the problem of increase HGV movements during the construction period.  It was agreed that active measures should be taken to minimise such disruption and this should be made clear in the response.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed that the draft response reflected the key concerns Members had about some of the options proposed in Heathrow Airport’s consultation.  It was therefore agreed to submit the response, including some amendments to reflect the Cabinet discussion, and it was emphasised that the Cabinet continue to make strong representations to secure the best outcome and mitigating measures for the borough.


Resolved –


(a)  That the responses to the questions raised in the Airport Expansion Consultation Document, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed, subject to the amendments agreed at the meeting and any final revisions.


(b)  That the Cabinet continue to make strong representations on the key points raised in the response to Heathrow Airport and any other relevant bodies.

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