Agenda item

Revised Housing Allocation Scheme 2018-22


(a)  That the revised Housing Allocation Scheme 2018-2022 be adopted as the policy by which Council and other social housing will be allocated as set out in the Housing Act 1996, Part V1 and Localism Act 2011.


(b)  That the main changes made to the Housing Allocation scheme be agreed as set out in para 5.4 of the report in response to the public opinion expressed during a consultation exercise.


(c)  That the Equality Impact Assessment be refreshed on the anniversary of the new Allocations Scheme going live and annually thereafter.


The Lead Member for Corporate Finance and Housing and the Service Lead, Strategic Housing introduced a report that sought approval for a revised Housing Allocation Scheme 2018-2022.


The Housing Strategy had specified that a formal review of the scheme adopted in 2014 would take place.  A consultation exercise had taken place and all Council tenants had received a letter seeking their views.  The Neighbourhoods & Community Services Scrutiny Panel had led the Member involvement in the review.  The scheme gave priority to groups such as those living in Slough for a continuous period of five years and Looked After Children and there were no plans to change the priority groups.


It was considered that although the scheme was working well overall a number of proposed changes were summarised including greater priority for homeless, assistance to key workers and a reduction from two to one reasonable offer of accommodation.  The Cabinet discussed the definition of a key worker which for the purposes of the scheme was a teacher or social worker dealing with vulnerable adults or children.  The principle of moving to a single reasonable offer policy was supported as it would improve the efficient management of the scheme and assist in housing people more quickly.  It was noted that the Equality Impact Assessment needed to be updated and the Cabinet requested that it be reviewed annually to ensure it was kept up to date.


At the conclusion of the discussion the revised Housing Allocated Scheme as at Appendix A to the report was adopted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the revised Housing Allocation Scheme 2018-2022 be adopted as the policy by which Council and other social housing will be allocated as set out in the Housing Act 1996, Part V1 and Localism Act 2011.


(b)  That the main changes made to the Housing Allocation scheme be agreed as set out in para 5.4 of the report in response to the public opinion expressed during a consultation exercise.


(c)  That the Equality Impact Assessment be refreshed on the anniversary of the new Allocations Scheme going live and annually thereafter.

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