Agenda item

Leisure Facilities Reprovision Programme Update


That the report updating the Cabinet on the good progress being made on the delivery of the Council’s leisure capital development programme be noted.


The Lead Member for Environment & Leisure and the Leisure Services Manager gave a presentation on the progress being made on the major capital development programme for leisure facilities in Slough.


The Arbour Park Community Stadium had been completed and was operating successfully.  The refurbished Ice Arena was due to reopen imminently and would be followed in the coming months by the Salt Hill Activity Centre and Langley Leisure Centre.  The new leisure centre on Farnham Road was on schedule to open early in 2019.  It was confirmed that the capital development programme was being delivered on time and budget.  The Council had a Leisure Strategy Board that was focused on managing the programme and developing future plans to increase usage and activity and achieve health benefits for local residents.  The total capital investment was £62m, although it was noted that there would be a high cost of repairs to the older existing facilities that were reaching the end of their life.


(Councillor Sadiq joined the meeting)


The Cabinet also discussed community provision and welcomed the investment in new facilities such as multi-use games areas, green gyms and the parkour park in Salt Hill Park which was proving to be popular.  It was recognised that the neighbourhood facilities could play a crucial role in increasing activity, as well as the wider use of parks and open spaces, and the Cabinet highlighted the need for a properly coordinated and well promoted programme of activity.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet noted the report.


Resolved –  That the report updating the Cabinet on the good progress being made on the delivery of the Council’s leisure capital development programme be noted.

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