Agenda item

SBC Annual Report 2017/18


That the Council’s Annual Report for 2017-18 be agreed.


The Service Lead Strategy & Performance summarised the Annual Report of the Council’s progress and achievements against the Five Year Plan 2017-18.


The priorities were refreshed annually and the report set out the progress made against the outcomes for the 2017-18 reporting period.  Key achievements included improved early years provision, the launch of new public health campaigns, Slough being ranked as the best place to work in the country, the opening of new and refurbished leisure facilities, launch of housing companies and taking forward major town centre regeneration schemes.


The Cabinet recognised the progress that had been made in delivering the Five Year Plan this year and welcomed the publication of the Annual Report in detailing these achievements.  Lead Members particularly welcomed the inclusion of case studies.  One of the key themes of the plan was to provide strategic direction for the future of services, including prevention and early intervention, and the example of substantially improved GCSE attainment was cited as evidence of what could be achieved through strategic planning, prioritisation and partnership working.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton asked for clarification of when the A4 cycle lane would be completed and it was noted this would be done by early Autumn.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Annual Report for 2017-18 was agreed.


Resolved –  That the Council’s Annual Report for 2017-18 be agreed.

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