Agenda item

Jubilee River External Partners Meeting

Does the LAF have any comments/issues to raise?


JW tabled the minutes of the JR External partners meeting held by the Environment Agency in February 2018.  Updates concerned a request to have some repair work done on the paths, particularly the main cycle route through Slough.  JW confirmed that works on this path are being planned for this year with the scope dependent on the amount of commuted sum remaining.


The success of the Riverside Centre was also discussed and the aspiration to have a community café on the grass area in the car park area.  TH queried if the management of the car park by the EA is permanent and all agreed the car park is needed.  JW agreed to check with EA.  Anti-social behaviour is an on-going issue in this area, though the presence of the Riverside Centre and collaboration with Eton College are having a positive impact.


Pennywort was highlighted as an invasive species by the EA which could be reported if seen on the Jubilee River by using the App called Plant Tracker.  Japanese Knotweed is not seen as such a huge problem in the waterside environment. 


JW confirmed the next Jubilee River External Partners meeting would be after the Summer.


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