Agenda item

Developments at Heathrow Update


(a)  That the update on the recent developments on the expansion of Heathrow airport be noted.


(b)  That the Cabinet receive a report at the meeting on 16th July 2018 to include any decisions required including the work with partners to capture the skills, employment and investment opportunities locally.


(c)  That a letter be sent to Tan Dhesi MP to update him on the Council’s position in support of expansion and on the work the Council was doing to seek to maximise the local benefits.


The Director of Regeneration updated the Cabinet on recent developments relating to the expansion of Heathrow Airport and associated issues.  The Council was the accountable body for the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group and a significant amount of work was going on to prepare for expansion.  It was noted that the House of Commons would carry out a crucial vote on Heathrow expansion on 12th July.


The Director summarised some of the current thinking around the skills, education and learning opportunities that would arise from airport expansion as well as the estimated £1bn regeneration in the town.  There were expected to be significant skills shortages in construction and the concept of a Slough Regeneration Campus / ‘Slough Construction Centre of Excellence’ would be explored with the Council working with partners to provide the training opportunities for local people to access employment.


The Cabinet supported the principle of taking proactive steps to put a skills package in place for the full range of career and employment opportunities, including higher level roles.  It was agreed that a follow up report would be received by the Cabinet at the next meeting on 16th July to set out how the concept could be taken forward.


The Leader of Council updated the Cabinet on some of the discussions and representations he had been making to highlight the Council’s support for expansion ahead of the Parliamentary vote, and to secure the best deal for Slough.  It was agreed to write to the Member of Parliament for Slough, Tan Dhesi MP, to make him aware of the work the Council was doing to capture the local benefits particularly with regards to the skills agenda.


Resolved –


(a)  That the update on the recent developments on the expansion of Heathrow airport be noted.


(b)  That the Cabinet receive a report at the meeting on 16th July 2018 to include any decisions required including the work with partners to capture the skills, employment and investment opportunities locally.


(c)  That a letter be sent to Tan Dhesi MP to update him on the Council’s position in support of expansion and on the work the Council was doing to seek to maximise the local benefits.