Agenda item

Revenue Budget Monitor Report - 2018-19 (Quarter 1)


(a)  That the reported and underlying financial position of the council as at the first quarter of the year be noted,


(b)  That the management actions being undertaken by officers to reduce the budget pressures be noted,


(c)  That the budget virements as explained in paragraph 6 of the report and listed in detail in appendix D be approved, and


(d)  That the write offs as requested in paragraph 7 of the report be approved.


(e)  That the Mobile Telephony Contract proposal as at paragraph 7.3 of the addendum to the report be approved, which would result in SBC making a spend commitment of £755k over 4 years to the new VMB/O2 contract, noting that the cost would be met from existing budgets).


The Service Lead Finance introduced a report that provided the Cabinet with an update on the financial position of the Council’s revenue account for the first quarter of the year to the end of June 2018.  Approval was also sought for write off requests and virements.


There was an overall reported underspend of £1m for the period which was primarily due to late and disputed invoices in the Regeneration directorate which were expected to be resolved in the next quarter.  The position for each Directorate, including any significant variances, pressures and management action, were summarised and noted.  The main budget pressures continued to be in adult and children’s social care services and temporary accommodation.  The Housing Revenue Account was on budget.


The Cabinet considered and approved the write off and virement requests set out in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the report.  An addendum had been circulated that sought approval for a new mobile telephony contract.  This was approved.


Lead Members recognised the continuing financial pressures facing local authorities and discussed the process being undertaken in Slough to develop the Medium Term Financial Strategy and revenue budget for 2019/20.  This included Star Chambers to examine proposals for savings and growth in directorates and the outcomes would be reported at future meetings of the Cabinet.


Resolved –


(a)  That the reported and underlying financial position of the Council as at the first quarter of the year be noted,


(b)  That the management actions being undertaken by officers to reduce the budget pressures be noted,


(c)  That the budget virements as explained in paragraph 6 of the report and listed in detail in appendix D be approved, and


(d)  That the write offs as requested in paragraph 7 of the report be approved.


(e)  That the Mobile Telephony Contract proposal as at paragraph 7.3 of the addendum to the report be approved, which would result in SBC making a spend commitment of £755k over 4 years to the new VMB/O2 contract, noting that the cost would be met from existing budgets).

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