Agenda item

Performance & Projects Report Q1 2018/19


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects and the manifesto commitments and performance be noted.


The Performance & Information Manager and the Programme Management Lead gave a presentation on the latest performance information for the first quarter of 2018/19; updated on the progress of key projects and delivery against manifesto commitments.


Almost two-thirds (64.7%) of the Council’s selected performance indicators were achieving the desired results and were rated ‘green’ with a further 23.5% of other indicators close to target.  Whilst good progress was being made overall, it was noted that the indicator relating to households in temporary accommodation remained ‘red’ and there had been a deterioration in the in year collection rate of Business Rates.  More than two-thirds (68%) of Council projects were rated ‘green’ and four-fifths (80.7%) of manifesto pledges were ‘green’.  The new reporting format would make it easier to track the progress of delivery throughout the year and the Cabinet welcomed the presentational improvements to the report.


Lead Members asked a number of questions about the progress of specific indicators and projects where delivery was not on track and assurance was provided that action had been taken to address issues that had arisen.  At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects and the manifesto commitments and performance be noted.

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