Agenda item

Slough's School Places Strategy 2018-2023


That the School Places Strategy 2018-2023 be approved.


The Lead Member for Children & Education introduced the School Places Strategy 2018/2023, which set out the Council’s proposals for ensuring that there were sufficient, suitable, high quality school places for every resident child and young person over the next five years. It was noted that between 2001/02 and 2010/11 the number of births in Slough rose by 48% and the impact of this growth together with the inward migration levels to the town had required a major expansion in provision across all education sectors.


Details of developments relating to primary and secondary places were highlighted. The opening of the Grove Academy in 2017 had meant that Slough had sufficient Reception classes to meet projected demand and provide some surplus capacity. In terms of secondary school places, a number of free schools had opened in recent years which would provide for 22 new forms of entry.


The Principal Asset Manager reported that there had been a significant increase in the number of children and young people who had a statutory plan for educational needs – Education and Health Care Plan. It was noted that the growth in pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities would be funded from the High Needs Block by the Department for Education.


Members discussed the capital implications regarding the provision of school places and noted that £51m was required to build the school places required to 2023. £21m of income was confirmed either as section 106 developer contributions or Basic Need Grant. Over the period of the strategy further section 106 contributions and 2 new annual allocations of Basic Need were expected in 2021 and 2022 and the balance of the programme would be funded by the Council from borrowing. 


At the conclusion of the discussion, the School Places Strategy was approved.


Resolved –  That the School Places Strategy 2018-2023 be approved.

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