Agenda item

Update on Tower & Ashbourne Houses


That the update report be noted.


Further to the Cabinet resolution of 22nd January 2018, the Service Lead Neighbourhoods introduced a report that updated on progress of the planning position and potential sources of institutional finance for the redevelopment of Tower & Ashbourne Houses to provide circa 200 homes.


Progress had been made towards bringing forward the planning application and public consultation would formally commence on 17th July, and it was noted that discussions had already taken place with the Chalvey Community Forum.  It was anticipated that a planning application would be submitted in December 2018 for determination in the Spring of 2019.  It was noted that the Council was still seeking to acquire properties from three leaseholders to complete land assembly and the Cabinet would consider a separate report later in the agenda on potentially using compulsory purchase powers if necessary.


The Cabinet welcomed the progress that was being made and noted the update.


Resolved –  That the update report be noted.

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