Agenda item

Creating a Slough Regeneration Campus


(a)  That a programme of work be established and a feasibility study of a Slough Regeneration Campus (SRC) be commissioned.


(b)  That, subject to the outcome of the feasibility study, the Cabinet agrees the development  of the Slough Regeneration Campus.


(c)  That the authority to progress the above recommendations be delegated to the Director of Regeneration and the Director of Children, Learning and Skills following consultation cabinet members for Regeneration and Education and Skills.


The Director of Regeneration introduced the report requested by the Cabinet in June 2018 to take forward the concept of a Slough Regeneration Campus to maximise the skills and employment opportunities arising from the expansion of Heathrow Airport and the other major regeneration projects in Slough.


It was proposed that a study be commissioned to explore the feasibility of creating a regeneration campus to seek to improve the training, skills, apprenticeship and employment offer for local people.  The Cabinet emphasised the importance of ensuring that the concept sought to meet the expected local need for the full range of construction and related trades through to planners, architects and other professions.  It was recognised that there were already significant skills shortages in the town and this problem was expected to increase given future demand arising from the pipeline of major schemes.  The report set out how a regeneration campus could contribute to the delivery of a range of manifesto commitments including bringing a higher education facility back to Slough, which the Cabinet particularly welcomed.


Lead Members discussed a range of issues included the impact on the labour market of the Brexit; the experiences of other local authorities in developing a similar skills offer; and the linkages to existing training provision.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton commented on the wider plans for the regeneration of the town centre and the progress of Slough as a ‘digital city’.  Lead Members recognised the challenges that the town centre had in the short term and explained the actions being taken, including a 30 day plan to make the town centre cleaner and greener.  The Council was actively incorporating digital access to services as part of the proposed office relocation and customer strategy and in terms of the regeneration campus it was confirmed that the feasibility study would explore the options for digital delivery.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed that a feasibility study be commissioned and progressed.


Resolved –


(a)  That a programme of work be established and a feasibility study of a Slough Regeneration Campus (SRC) be commissioned.


(b)  That, subject to the outcome of the feasibility study, the Cabinet agrees the development  of the Slough Regeneration Campus.


(c)  That the authority to progress the above recommendations be delegated to the Director of Regeneration and the Director of Children, Learning and Skills following consultation Lead Member for Regeneration and Education and Skills.

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