Agenda item

Growth Fund 2017-18: update


It was noted that Schools Forum had agreed the criteria for 2018/19 at their January 2018 meeting.


Attention was drawn to the supporting Appendix A showing there had been no change apart from the £90,000 towards the opening of Grove Academy, of which Schools Forum had agreed to fund up to 50%.  This was not yet finalised, due to uncertainty about the cost of underwriting and would be reported to Schools Forum at the January 2019 meeting. 


Tony Madden took Schools Forum through the Appendices setting out the out-turn for 2017/18 which was £85,000, after the contribution towards Grove Academy, and the estimates for 2018/19.  The estimate was based upon agreed DSG £900,000 top slice, plus £85,000 carry forward and forecast an underspend of £200,000. 


In Appendix B, any known changes including reductions in PAN were noted. James Elliman had been removed as it had been understood they were to reduce their admission number.  However, this would not now happen until 2019, which Tony Madden was to discuss further with the School; if a fourth teacher had been appointed the issue would be referred to Schools Forum.


It was pointed out that there was pressure on schools due to a lack of funding after the first year of bulge classes where such classes failed to fill and this impacted year on year; the issue might be exacerbated by the recent drop in inward migration to the town. It was suggested this issue, and its implications, should be discussed further by Schools Forum at their January 2019 meeting.


The descriptor columns in Tony Madden’s report were discussed and it was suggested the information be presented under one ‘Growth Fund’ column.  Susan Woodland reminded members that the LA also had to fund academies 5/12s and advised caution.  It was agreed that Tony Madden and Susan Woodland would review the layout of the report.


9.00am: Tony Madden left the meeting


The meeting returned to the running order of the agenda:

Supporting documents: