Agenda item

Cashier's Service


(a)  That the Council’s ambition to be “cashless” by December 2019 be agreed.


(b)  That the commencement of further investigative work be approved which would incorporate detailed consultation, appropriate impact assessments, and appropriate subsequent support for vulnerable residents who are currently making cash transactions; to ensure a smooth transition to Slough becoming a ‘cashless Authority’ by December 2019.


(c)  That a more detailed report providing informed recommendations be presented to Cabinet in January 2019.


The Director of Finance & Resources introduced a report on the Council’s ambition to be “cashless” by December 2019 and to approve the next steps via an options appraisal to be considered by a further report in January 2019.


The Council currently provided a front line Cashier’s Service for residents to pay for services, currently with MyCouncil in Landmark Place.  The town centre relocation project provided an opportunity to review the arrangements as part of the wider transformation programme and development of a new customer strategy.  Many other Council’s had already moved to cashless transactions and evidence suggested this was the right way forward for the authority with an increasing number of cashless payments.  A total of only 6.35% of all payments made to the Council were made by cash.


The Cabinet recognised that there were significant issues to consider to ensure payment methods remained inclusive to Slough residents and that strong IT and communications plans were in place.  It was proposed and agreed that the ambition to become cashless be agreed and that further investigative work take place with an options appraisal presented to Cabinet in January 2019.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Council’s ambition to be “cashless” by December 2019 be agreed.


(b)  That the commencement of further investigative work be approved which would incorporate detailed consultation, appropriate impact assessments, and appropriate subsequent support for vulnerable residents who are currently making cash transactions; to ensure a smooth transition to Slough becoming a ‘cashless Authority’ by December 2019.


(c)  That a more detailed report providing informed recommendations be presented to Cabinet in January 2019.

Supporting documents: