Agenda item

Resilient Network Plan Update - DfT Incentive Fund Self Assessment Submission


That the Resilient Network Plan be approved.


The Team Leader, Highway Maintenance and Asset Management introduced a report that sought approval for the Resilient Network Plan relating to flooding which was part of the Council’s submission to the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Incentive Fund.


The Council was considered to have performed well during previous flood events and the Resilient Network Plan clarified what needed to be done during such events in the future.  It was a requirement as part of submissions to the Incentive Fund to have an agreed process in place to mitigate heavy rainfall and flooding.  Cabinet approval was required to achieve Band 3 status which would help the Council secure the maximum available level of DfT funding.  After due consideration, the Cabinet welcomed the work that had been undertaken and approved the Resilient Network Plan.


Resolved –  That the Resilient Network Plan be approved.

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