Agenda item

Brexit Impact Assessment


(a)  That the summary of potential impacts identified at section 5.6 of the report be noted; and


(b)  The draft risk and contingency table at Appendix B of the report and next steps be noted.


The Service Lead Strategy & Performance introduced a report that set out the assessment of the potential impacts of Brexit on Slough and on the Council’s operations.  An addendum had been circulated which clarified some of the figures in the report relating to EU procurement.


Under the terms of Article 50, the UK would leave the EU on 29th March 2019 and whilst the outcome of negotiations between the UK and EU remained uncertain, the possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit was a risk.  The Council had therefore conducted a high level impact assessment utilising LGA research, intelligence and internal discussions.  The impact assessment and the draft risk analysis and contingency table at Appendix B to the report set out some of the potential issues the Council may face in terms of finance, regeneration, workforce and population.  Officers would continue to monitor and update the assessment as appropriate in the coming months.


Lead Members welcomed the work that had been undertaken and commented that it identified a number of practical issues that the Council may need to consider such as the electoral franchise for EU nationals and impact on the workforce in areas such as the care sector.  The Cabinet noted that the 19 impacts initially identified that only 2 were considered to be ‘positive’.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Wright asked about the levels of European funding received by the Council.  It was responded that a variety of organisations and businesses in Slough had received European funding and further information would be provided on the funding received by the Council.  At the conclusion of the discussion, the report was noted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the summary of potential impacts identified at section 5.6 of the report be noted; and


(b)  The draft risk and contingency table at Appendix B of the report and next steps be noted.

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