Agenda item

Schools Forum Membership/appointment of Vice Chair


The meeting was informed that three terms of office were due to finish on 30 November 2018. 


Jo Matthews, representing academy Special Schools/PRUs had agreed to continue for one further year, which the meeting supported. 


Jon Reekie, academy governor representative from Phoenix Infant School and Eddie Neighbour, academy representative from Pioneer Education Trust had both expressed an interest in standing for a further term of office.  In addition, members were informed that Gillian Coffey, academy representative from Lynch Hill School Primary Academy had tendered her resignation with immediate effect, creating a vacancy.  The Clerk would draft a communication, inviting nominations or agreement of member appointments which would be sent to all local academy proprietors.  It was intended that the new terms of office should commence prior to the next meeting of Schools Forum.


It was explained that one nomination for the role of Vice Chair of Slough Schools Forum had been received and members APPROVED the appointment of Nicky Willis for a term of two years.


The Chair thanked Nicky Willis for her support, adding that it was helpful for the Forum, and supported the roles of Chair and Vice Chair, to continue the secondary/primary balance in the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair.