Agenda item

Update on national funding issues/local funding issues


Susan Woodland gave the meeting a verbal update, highlighting the Teachers’ pay grant which had been confirmed for 2018/19 and 2019/20, with details available at:


A member queried the teachers’ pay grant; it appeared there was an expectation that 1% plus any top up would be funded by schools but it was not clear where the additional top up funding would come from.  At the current time, it was understood this would be paid directly by central government.


Members’ attention was also drawn to the announcement of the free school meals supplementary grant, with information available at:


It was noted that the DfE was changing the way in which Local Authorities would receive funding for growth, moving away from an historical to a formulaic method.  As yet, it was not known how these changes might affect Slough and the DfE was expected to release further information during the current term.  The growth funding had previously comprised of two funding streams but these had now been added together. It was understood there would still be an element of top slice to form the actual Growth Fund.  The DfE was also still working on premises factors and were to strengthen rules on DSG and deficits, with an expectation that LAs would report on any school deficits of more than 1% with effect from March 2019.


A query was raised about the ‘sugar tax grant’.  It was understood this funding was made through Sports Premium payments, which secondary schools did not receive, and that any Voluntary Aided schools would have this funding included in their capital monies.  Susan Woodland agreed to follow this up and the link is available here:  


8.30pm Vikram Hansrani joined the meeting


It was queried whether PFI would now become clearer.  Susan Woodland thought this might be the case as the way of formalising funding was being reviewed and it was understood workshops would be offered to support this work.


The meeting moved to item 9 on the agenda: