Agenda item

Forward Work Programme


In response to questions related to the School Places report, it was confirmed that there was little to add in relation to the closure of Burnham Park School than had been included in the information sent to members of the Panel; this had indicated that alternative places would be available for pupils in other local schools.  In summary, there were surplus places in the primary sector while the secondary sector was tighter. Detailed information had been made available in the place planning strategy available on the Council’s website.


In relation to the take-up of childcare places, it was agreed that this be considered for the 2019-20 scrutiny work programme, following consultation with the Chair of the Panel for that Municipal Year.  In the interim, relevant information would be emailed to members of the Panel once the data in the January census had been analysed.


Resolved – That the programme for the next two meetings be re-arranged as follows:


13 March 2019:

·  Attainment for Slough children (including vulnerable groups)

·  Teacher recruitment and retention

·  School Places – present situation and future demand


17 April 2019:

·  Implementation of SEND Reforms

·  Joint Parenting Panel – quarterly update

·  Impact of Slough Children’s Services Trust



Supporting documents: