Agenda item

Berkshire SACRE Hub notes - meeting held on 17 September 2018


The professional advisor provided an update on the latest developments with the Berkshire SACRE Hub.  The minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2018 were noted.  The launch events for the new Agreed Syllabus had been considered to be successful with excellent speakers at the events across Berkshire.


It was reported that two advisors had started work to review support materials for the Agreed Syllabus; a Hub Action Plan was in place; and the promotion of the Crossing the Bridges project, including the possibility of a bid for a Westfield Community Grant.  The list of schools in the Crossing the Bridges Directory did not include several schools in Slough and it was agreed that the professional advisor would clarify the process for added schools to the directory.


Resolved –  That the update on the Berkshire SACRE Hub be noted.

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