Agenda item

Joint Parenting Panel Quarterly Update


Since the last such update, the Joint Parenting Panel (JPP) had undertaken 3 pieces of work. The first of these was a meeting on 26th July 2018, the second a training event on 25th September 2018 and finally its meeting on 4th October 2018.


The July meeting had not taken the usual format of a themed event; rather, it provided an overview of JPP’s work. This was to prepare those new to the body for its work, and also ensure all parties had a thorough awareness in preparation for Ofsted’s imminent inspection. The meeting therefore recapped the matter of corporate parenting and outlined JPP’s key achievements of the previous 12 months.


The September training covered corporate parenting for all members and included presentations from SBC, SCST, foster carers and young people. The event had received highly positive feedback from those present and all JPP members had subsequently received the relevant materials (bar the young person’s presentation).


Finally, the October JPP had a thematic discussion regarding health and wellbeing. As part of this it had taken the Clinical Commissioning Group’s Looked After Children Annual Report, outlining the diagnostic work on young people’s health across East Berkshire. The learning from this had also been applied, leading to improvements in performance. The draft Corporate Parenting Strategy had also been shared; some amendments had been proposed as a result, with the revised version to be presented to JPP on 12th December 2018 for approval prior to the Ofsted inspection.


The Panel raised the following points in discussion:


·  Whilst members raised the possibility of applying the rule that 3 consecutive non-attendances should lead to that individual losing their place on JPP, the meeting was advised that this was constitutionally impracticable.


Resolved:  That the update be noted.

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