Agenda item

DSG Budget Monitoring Report 2018/19


The supporting paper for this item had been circulated under separate cover.


The Chair explained that the meeting would consider the DSG position for 2018-19, the Growth Fund outturn for 2018/19, and then look ahead to Growth Fund and the DSG for the year 2019/20.


George Grant explained that SBC was required to update Schools Forum on their DSG budget plan and at the half year point to give an indication of the end of year figures.  The meeting would be taken through each block and supporting information.


A comprehensive view of the DSG allocation had been given, leading to the net budget to be allocated to schools.  The total DSG after academy recoupments was just under £69m, with the report referring to adjustments to Early Years.


The current year was highlighted, with the Schools Block and Early Years spending as per their allocations but the High Needs block had an expected overspend of £2m. The Schools Block had a projected surplus of £36,000 but the expected underspend on Growth Fund would be explained under the Growth Fund item on the agenda.  Early Years was forecast to balance with any underspend to be recouped by the DfE in the following year.


The High Needs budget had not been adjusted and spend was on items consistent with the spend the previous year.  Proposals for managing the in-year High Needs deficit would be made to Schools Forum at their January meeting.


The adjusted variance had improved over that of 2016/17 and 2017/18 but was still a significant issue. The High Needs Block overspend was due to the same issues as the previous year.


The Chair thanked George Grant for his detailed report. There were no questions and Schools Forum noted the report.

Supporting documents: