Agenda item

Statutory Equalities Report (including Gender Pay Gap Report) 2018/19


(a)  That the annual developments and progress with the council’s current equality objectives be noted:


(i)  To have a representative and inclusive workforce

(ii)  To reduce inequalities in service access and outcomes

(iii)  To improve equality of opportunity through fair and evidence-based decision-making

(iv)  To help foster good community relations and community cohesion 


(b)  That the independently calculated and verified results of the 2018 gender pay gap for Slough Borough Council employees and progress with the associated action plan be noted.


The Leader of the Council introduced the Equality and Diversity Report which included the 2018 gender pay gap figures.  The report was produced in accordance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010).


The report demonstrated that the Council continued to make steady progress against its main equality objectives.  The independently calculated gender pay gap for 2018 showed that the gap between men and women’s average pay at the Council had fallen to 4.7% compared to 12.5% in the previous year.  There were still fewer women than men in the most senior roles, but notable female appointments had been made including for the position of Chief Executive.  It was recognised that the both pay gap and equality outcomes were influenced by both external factors such as varied educational attainment of different groups and organisational factors such as restructures and service redesign.


The Cabinet reiterated its commitment to closing the gender pay gap and addressing the wide range of equality issues to ensure the Council’s workforce was reflective of Slough’s population and services met the needs of the diverse communities across the town.  Lead Members emphasised the importance of following through on commitments by taking proactive action to further close the pay gap and promote equality.  A number of specific projects were planned which would help to encourage women progress in the organisation and Lead Members would discuss with their Directors the steps being taken in their portfolio responsibilities.


The Statutory Equalities Report 2018/19 and gender pay gap figures for 2018 were noted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the annual developments and progress with the council’s current equality objectives be noted:


(i)  To have a representative and inclusive workforce

(ii)  To reduce inequalities in service access and outcomes

(iii)  To improve equality of opportunity through fair and evidence-based decision-making

(iv)  To help foster good community relations and community cohesion


(b)  That the independently calculated and verified results of the 2018 gender pay gap for Slough Borough Council employees and progress with the associated action plan be noted.

Supporting documents: