Agenda item

Treasury Management Strategy 2019/20


It was moved by Councillor Swindlehurst,

Seconded by Councillor Hussain,


“The Council is requested to resolve that the Treasury Management Strategy for 2019/20 as at Appendix A be approved.”


The recommendation was put to the vote and carried and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 a record of the vote was taken as follows:-


There voted for the recommendations:-


Councillors Ali, Anderson, B. Bains, Bedi, Brooker, Carter, Chaudhry, Cheema, Dar, Davis, M Holledge, N. Holledge, Hussain, Mann, Matloob, Minhas, Nazir, Pantelic, D.Parmar, S.Parmar, Rana, Rasib, Sabah, Sadiq, A.Sandhu, Shah, Sharif, Sohal and Swindlehurst ……………………………………………………………………………………….  29


There abstained from voting:


Councillors Kelly, R.S. Sandhu, Smith, Strutton and Wright  ………………………………………………………………………………………..   5


Resolved –  That the Treasury Management Strategy for 2019/20 as at Appendix A be approved.



Supporting documents: