Agenda item

Former Octagon Site, Station Square, Slough, SL1 1QY


The Committee received a pre-application presentation on the proposals for the Former Octagon Site, Station Square, Slough, SL1 1QY. The protocol relating to pre-application presentations was tabled to remind Members of the purpose, scope and format of the discussion.


The pre-application presentation was given by representatives of the Applicant and Agent on the development of a prominent and high profile site into a flexible 85,000sqft net HQ office 7 storey building and a 170 private unit 21 storey residential tower. The development included the provision of a new green urban link through a communal piazza public space that would feature the office reception, co-working communities, café & restaurants and dedicated separate residential entrances.  There would be 120 car parking spaces at basement level with 80 allocated for the office and 40 for the residential development.  The site history was noted and Members were informed that the applicant did not intend to implement the previous application considered by the Committee on 31st October 2018 for which a decision was pending.


Members were given the opportunity to ask a number of questions and made initial observations on the proposal.  The following is a summary of key questions and issues raised:


·  Balconies – the provision of balcony space for the office building was queried, including if they would be used as smoking areas.  It was responded that amenity space of this type was important in modern office buildings and that they would be smoke free.  It was also confirmed that all corner flats would have balconies.


·  Co-working – the concept of co-working would provide more flexible office floorspace potentially for multiple tenants and start up businesses.


·  Car parking – the indicative mix of units was for 50 2 bed flats and the provision of only 40 car parking spaces for the residential element may not be sufficient and it was suggested that some spaces from nearby car parks be allocated.  Officers highlighted that in this town centre location,  there could be no requirement to provide spaces for residential units.  The representative of the applicant commented that the final mix of units was not confirmed.


·  Access – Members highlighted the historic problems with buses off loading passengers on the footpath next to the site and questioned whether it could be widened as part of the development.  This was an operational issue which could be looked at with bus operators.


·  Retail/leisure – the ground floor units could be sub-divided to meet market demands.  The indicative design included enhanced height of 5 metres at ground floor to maximise the attractiveness of the frontage.


·  Materials – the designs for both blocks were indicative at present but assurance was provided that they would seek to fit with neighbouring buildings.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the presentation was noted.


Resolved –  That the pre-application presentation be noted.

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