Agenda item

Localities Strategy Update


(a)  That the Council should immediately agree to seek to utilise its network of Children’s Centres to accelerate the delivery of the Localities Strategy throughout Slough.


(b)  That it be noted that in the first instance, the Children’s Centres would provide further “touch down” workspace for staff and (where possible) locations for meetings between staff and residents. Thereafter, they would be integrated into the evolving strategy. 


(c)  That it be noted that the Council had commissioned capacity studies to determine the location of locality buildings in Cippenham and Wexham.


(d)  That it be noted that the new Chalvey Hub was on schedule to open in May 2020.


(e)  That it be noted that whilst progress had been slower than anticipated at Britwell and Trelawney Avenue, progress was being made to deliver these projects to meet the objectives agreed in February 2019.


(f)  That delegated authority be given to the Interim Director of Regeneration, following consultation with the Cabinet member for Regeneration and the s151 Officer to:


i.  Agree all financial and non-financial terms related for the development of the Trelawney Avenue Hub via Slough Urban Renewal as a Community Project, provided the costs remain within the budget approved by Cabinet in February 2019.

ii.  Agree revised Heads of Terms with KDL for the disposal and development of the third party element of the Hub as described in section 5.10 of the report, including authority to negotiate and agree all financial and non-financial terms.

iii.   Take any other necessary actions and enter into any agreements or documents, acting in the best interests of the Council, in order to enable the redevelopment of the site for the uses as set out in the report.


The Interim Director of Regeneration introduced an update on the Localities Strategy since its approval by Cabinet on 25th February 2019.  The report outlined the progress on the proposed six hubs and sought approval to accelerate the implementation of the strategy by utilising the Council’s network of Children’s Centres.


The progress of delivery of the individual hubs was summarised, amongst which it was noted that the Chalvey hub was on track and set to open in May 2020; there had been a change in the delivery route of the Trelawney Avenue hub since the last report in February but it was expected to be on site in 2020. The Cabinet was asked to approve delegated authority to the Interim Director of Regeneration to proceed with this revised procurement approach.


Discussions had also taken place about how the Council could maximise the use of its existing portfolio to implement the Transformation Programme and help deliver the Customer Experience Strategy by providing locally based services.  This had resulted in a proposal to utilise the network of 10 Children’s Centres to allow locality based work for relevant SBC services potentially including adult social care, community development and housing.  The recommendations were agreed.


The Cabinet noted the progress that had been made and discussed future reporting arrangements.  It was agreed that Lead Members & Directors would receive updates with a further report to Cabinet in February 2020.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Council should immediately agree to seek to utilise its network of Children’s Centres to accelerate the delivery of the Localities Strategy throughout Slough.


(b)  That it be noted that in the first instance, the Children’s Centres would provide further “touch down” workspace for staff and (where possible) locations for meetings between staff and residents. Thereafter, they would be integrated into the evolving strategy. 


(c)  That it be noted that the Council had commissioned capacity studies to determine the location of locality buildings in Cippenham and Wexham.


(d)  That it be noted that the new Chalvey Hub was on schedule to open in May 2020.


(e)  That it be noted that whilst progress had been slower than anticipated at Britwell and Trelawney Avenue, progress was being made to deliver these projects to meet the objectives agreed in February 2019.


(f)  That delegated authority be given to the Interim Director of Regeneration, following consultation with the Cabinet member for Regeneration and the s151 Officer to:


i.  Agree all financial and non-financial terms related for the development of the Trelawney Avenue Hub via Slough Urban Renewal as a Community Project, provided the costs remain within the budget approved by Cabinet in February 2019.

ii.  Agree revised Heads of Terms with KDL for the disposal and development of the third party element of the Hub as described in section 5.10 of the report, including authority to negotiate and agree all financial and non-financial terms.

iii.   Take any other necessary actions and enter into any agreements or documents, acting in the best interests of the Council, in order to enable the redevelopment of the site for the uses as set out in the report.

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