Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 5 March 2019


The minutes of the Schools Forum meeting held on 5 March 2019 were agreed as a correct record.

Matters Arising:

Present: please add Jo Matthews, Observer.


Page 3, minute 698: Vikram Hansrani would be asked when Schools Forum could expect regular reports on feedback following the introduction of the new High Needs banding model. 


Page 6, minute 701: Neil Wilcox reported that following the previous Forum there had been a further meeting with representatives from the three PFI schools.  A decision had been made by SBC to fund the £184,000 and a guarantee given to the three schools that this action would be taken.


The Chair thanked Neil Wilcox for his support and quick resolution.


Any further Matters Arising would be covered by items on the agenda.


Supporting documents: