Agenda item

Childrens Centres Task and Finish Group - Final Report and Recommendations


The Panel received a report which provided an update on the recommendations contained with the Children’s Centres Task and Finish Group of 7 February 2019.


The Service Lead, Early Years and Prevention outlined the content of the report and provided an update on each of the recommendations. He advised that whilst significant progress had been made, there was more work to be done. A schedule of reviews would be submitted to the Panel every two years and any changes to a Centre would be discussed with the relevant Ward Councillors with any significant decisions submitted to Cabinet for consideration.


In terms of the timeframe for the works at Children’s Centres, the officer advised it would be at least one year as statutory services required delivery whilst the works were carried out. Resources had been identified for the refurbishment but he was looking to establish whether approval for funding was required as it had been allocated for under 5s and the Council was looking to extend the offer. He added that consultation with parents/carers had commenced in order to identify what services they would like to see in their local area. The provision for 6-11 year olds across Slough varied considerably.


A Member questioned whether there were any financial risks associated with recommendation 2, the relationship of the Children’s Centre and Heathrow, and was advised that there were on going conversations with the collaborative groups.  Until the Heathrow issues were clarified it was not possible to say what service provision would be.


In response to a Member’s question as to whether new school builds could include a Children’s Centre, the officer advised that whilst early years’ provision had been identified for some developments, officers were looking to use this in a slightly different way. Another Member expressed the view that it was not financially viable for many schools to offer the 30 hour child care entitlement. The officer advised that the costs were different in children’s centres and that Slough paid providers the highest sum in the region.


Members were pleased to note that six apprentices had been recruited to work in Children’s Centres from September and that many of the staff employed were residents of Slough.


Resolved –  That the status of the recommendations, as set in section 4 of the officer report, be noted.

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