Agenda item

Joint Parenting Panel Quarterly Update


The Panel received the report which provided an update on the work of the Joint Parenting Panel since the last meeting.


Cate Duffy, Director of Children, Learning and Skills, outlined the content of the report and responded to questions and comments from Members as follows:-


·  Work was still required to determine why there were Children Looked After who did not have an up to date health check;

·  Ofsted had determined that the Children’s Services Trust was no longer a failing service. The recruitment and retention of a high quality workforce was the biggest challenge facing the service. In order to try to address this issue, trainers were being use, incentive packages offered and agency staff made permanent. It was important to have good leadership and middle management in place in order to train, develop and retain staff;

·  There would be no immediate impact as a result of Brexit on the team.


Resolved –  That the report be noted.