Agenda item

Implementation of SEND reforms


The Panel received a report which provided an update on the Implementation of SEND reforms.


Vikram Hansrani, Service Lead Inclusion, outlined the content of the report, drawing Members’ attention to a typographical error in paragraph 5.3. In response to a Member’s question as to the number of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) not completed within the 20 week timeframe, he explained that there were peaks and troughs due to school holidays and that he would provide this information separately. The priority was to ensure the right support at the right time and that once a child had an EHCP it would be reviewed on an annual basis.


In response to a Member’s concern at the overspend in relation to SEND, Cate Duffy, Director of Children, Learning and Skills, advised that as this related to the High Needs Block, it was outside of the Council’s budget and was within the Designated Schools Grant (DSG). She explained that the Department for Education had indicated that the Council needed to address the overspend (approximately £7.2m at the end of 2018/19) which had partly been caused by changes in legislation. The Council were working to ensure that value for money was achieved and had prepared a deficit budget plan. This was a national issue and would be looked at once the spending review had been completed.


In terms of the SENCO officer, Vikram Hansrani reported that this post had been well received and that the feedback to date had been positive.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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