Agenda item

Performance & Projects Report Q2 2019/20


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects and the manifesto commitments be noted.


The Strategic Insight Manager introduced a report that set out the latest performance information for the second quarter of 2019/20 to the end of September 2019.  The report included progress against the Corporate Balanced Scorecard indicators; updates on the 28 projects in the portfolio; and on the manifesto commitments.


Nine out of the twenty-two performance indicators were achieving the set targets with a further four close to target.  Notable improvements on the previous quarter included the attainment gap at Early Year’s Foundation stage, average journey times and household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting.  However, the number of ‘Red’ rated indicators had increased to six.  These included the number of direct payments, total crime rate, households in temporary accommodation and number of empty properties brought back into use.  In relation to key projects, it was noted that one had been completed during the quarter – Speech and Language Therapy commission – and twenty-five out of the twenty-eight live projects were either ‘Green’ or ‘Amber’.  The vast majority of manifesto commitments were on track for delivery and none were ‘Red’ rated.


Members discussed several indicators including the crime rate per 1,000 population, which was ‘Red’ rated and has risen to the highest level for a year.  It was recognised that there was significant variation in the indicator as it was based on reported crime to the Police, which was driven by crime type and seasonality and was not directly in the Council’s control.  The work of the Safer Slough Partnership in monitoring and tackling crime was highlighted.  Reported crime was a useful measure, and Members asked whether an additional indicator could be identified which would reflect the Council’s performance.  It was agreed that the options for suitable indicators would be explored and brought to Members for consideration for inclusion in the 2020/21 performance reporting process.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton asked a number of questions including about the potential future impact of Heathrow expansion on journey times, street cleanliness, reported crime, direct payments, recycling and bringing empty properties back into use.  Lead Members and Directors responded to the various points raised.


At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects and the manifesto commitments be noted.

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