Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 4 July 2019


The minutes of the Schools Forum meeting held on 4 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the following amendment:

Page 1: Please note that Carol Pearce had sent apologies for absence.

Matters Arising from those Minutes:

Page 3, minute 713, first paragraph: The DSG Budget Deficit Recovery Plan had been submitted to the ESFA in June 2019 and sign-off was awaited. 

It was confirmed that the ESFA had allocated one of their specialists to work closely with the Local Authority (LA) in monitoring recovery plans and making efficiency savings.

Page 3, minute 713, fourth paragraph: It was confirmed that the possible approach from the LA to Schools Forum, requesting a reassignment of £93,000 from the High Needs Block to Early Years (in relation to the Early Years Inclusion Fund) would not be pursued until the DSG Budget Deficit Recovery Plan had been agreed. The request for a transfer of £700,000 (0.5%) from Schools Block to the High Needs Block in Year 3 (2020/21) was on the agenda for this meeting.

Page 3, minute 713, final paragraph:Nic Barani would request clarification from Neil Wilcox on the historic origins of the £184,000 which related to the PFI Contribution for Arbour Vale.


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