Agenda item

Five Year Plan 2020/21 - 2024/25


That the refresh of the Five Year Plan attached as Appendix A be approved.


The Service Lead Strategy & Performance gave a presentation on the Council’s refreshed Five Year Plan 2020/21 to 2024/25.  The Cabinet was asked to recommend approval of the revised plan to Council on 20th February 2020.


The plan refreshed the long-term priorities to achieve the five key outcomes for Slough and it had been developed alongside the budget to ensure the Council’s strategic and financial objectives were aligned.  This year the plan included more detail on the Council’s ambitious transformation programme, Our Futures, which included new ways of working to deliver improved outcomes for residents.


Lead Members emphasised that local people should be at the forefront of the strategy.  One the key themes included in the Leader’s and Chief Executive’s forewords was the importance of working with communities and partners in a ‘One Slough’ approach to meet the twin challenges of rising demand for services at a time of reduced resources.  The Slough Wellbeing Board had an important role to play and it was noted that it was developing new priorities for the partnership which would be aligned to the Five Year Plan.  Work was also underway to develop a longer term twenty year vision for Slough which included key milestones to measure.


At the conclusion of the discussion it was agreed that the revised Five Year Plan be recommended to Council for approval.


Recommended –  That the refresh of the Five Year Plan attached as Appendix A be approved.

Supporting documents: