Agenda item

Amendment to Temporary Accommodation and Private Sector Placement Policy


That delegated authority be given to the Director of Place and Development, following consultation with the Lead Member for Housing, the decision to agree the resource allocation for this policy going forward.


The Lead Member for Housing & Community Safety introduced a report that sought approval to amend the Temporary Accommodation and Private Sector Placement Policy to offer options to house homeless households outside of Slough.


The background, policy, equality impact assessment and legal implications as set out in the report were reviewed.  The proposal would enable more homeless households in temporary accommodation to be housed in suitable, settled homes.   Lead Members recognised the potentially negative impact an out of borough policy could have on some households but that it needed to be considered out of necessity given the pressures caused by the significant increase in homeless households in recent years, the constraints and cost of housing supply in Slough and the impact on reductions in housing related benefits.  Sections 5.7 and 5.8 of the report set out the criteria that would used to determine whether an out of borough offer would be appropriate.  The criteria excluded certain groups from such offers for example those receiving medical treatment, providing essential care or households with children in care or special needs.  It was acknowledged that some households may want to be placed outside of the borough for financial or other reasons. The amended policy would be reviewed after one year and the Cabinet was particularly sensitive to any adverse impacts on families with school age children.


Councillor Hulme addressed the Cabinet under Rule 30 and raised a number of issues including the consultation undertaken, the potential for legal challenge and the definition of reasonable offer.  Councillor Strutton also highlighted the importance of working with households to make reasonable offers that would meet their specific needs.


After due consideration the recommendation was agreed.


Resolved –  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Place and Development, following consultation with the Lead Member for Housing, the decision to agree the resource allocation for this policy going forward.

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