Agenda item

Pay Policy Statement Update 2020/21


The Committee considered the Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2020/21.  An updated version of the report had been circulated to the Committee in advance of the meeting.


Members were advised that it was a legal requirement for the Council to have a pay policy statement and that the existing Statement had been reviewed for 2020/21 and would be presented to the Council for approval on 20th February 2020.  The pay scales would be updated in line with the cost of living award in April 2020. 


Members were concerned that there should not be an over reliance on agency staff.   In answer to questions, Members were advised:


·  That the current Monitoring Officer (MO) arrangements were temporary, the MO role sat within the Service Lead (Governance) post and that the current arrangements were being reviewed.

·  The lowest paid jobs included those where there was no requirement for qualifications for example facilities and catering staff.

·  The Council was not aware that were any temporary/agency members of staff earning in excess of £100k.

·  HAY was a widely used system for job evaluation and the system used complex modelling which included market testing in its job evaluations.

·  The median earnings of employees (£30,562) was about average and the figure depended on the Chief Executive’s pay.

·  That a gender pay audit would be provided to the next meeting of the Committee.




(a)  That the Report be noted.


(b)  That a gender pay audit be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


(c)  That the Pay Policy Statement 202/21 be recommended to the Council on 20th February for approval.

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