Agenda item

SACRE Membership Update


The Clerk advised that Gulzari Lal Babber had stepped down from the Hindu Cultural Society, Slough Hindu Temple and would no longer be the Hinduism representative on SACRE.


It was reported that Rev Andrew Allen, Church of England representative would be attending SACRE meeting for the last time following his retirement and pending move from Slough to pastures new. 


On behalf of SACRE, the Chair thanked Rev Allen and Gulzari Lal Babber for their time and valuable contributions made to SACRE. Rev Allen was also commended for his commitment to SACRE.


Councillor (Cllr) Brooker advised that he would be taking up the mayoral role in the next municipal year. Cllr Brooker also reported that he was the vice-chair of the governing body at Ryvers Primary School.


Members discussed the long standing issue of the high level of vacancies in the category identified as Committee 3; to replace the current named unions with six teachers and teachers’ representatives and highlighted that many of the bodies in that category were out of date. As part of the campaign to promote greater awareness of the work of SACRE in schools, members were encouraged to note that a number of primary and secondary teachers had expressed an interest in joining SACRE and were pleased to see those present at the meeting as observers.


Members proposed that the SACRE terms of reference be reviewed to amend Committee 3 category; to replace the current named unions with six teachers and teacher representatives from any union in primary and secondary (including special schools) schools in Slough.  The SACRE instructed work to be undertaken to review its membership and terms of reference and for this to be undertaken in liaison with the Chair/Vice-Chair, local authority officers and the SACRE adviser. The decision-making process would require a report to be produced and agreed at a SACRE meeting and reported to the Member Panel on the Constitution, followed by ratification at a Council meeting.




i)  That the updates be noted.

ii)  That a review of the SACRE Terms of Reference be amend to replace the current named unions in Committee 3 category with   six teachers and teacher representatives from any union in primary and secondary (including special schools) schools in Slough.