Agenda item

SACRE Financial Update


The Senior School Effectiveness Officer gave an update on the SACRE budget for 2019/2020.


It was confirmed that from the £5,000 allocation for the 2019/20 financial year, £2,355 had been spent.  Members were reassured that the remaining £1,695 could be carried over into the next financial year to cover some items that had been earmark that would continue into the new financial year.


It was noted that £1,300 had been ring fenced in 2016 for purchasing RE resources (formerly stored at Montem Primary School) but it had not been used since it could not be established where the money had been kept within the education budget codes. Members requested the Senior School Effectiveness Officer to investigate and report back the outcome a SACRE meeting.


The money would be used to purchase RE resources  that would be given to schools on loan to support RE teaching. Schools would be asked about the types of resources that they needed via the SACRE Newsletter.


Resolved – That the SACRE budget update be noted.