Agenda item

Summary of the analysis at KS4 and KS5 Religious Studies/Education for 2018/19

i)  Summary of RE KS4-5 report

ii)  Summary of English and Maths KS4-5 report



Members noted the summary of the analysis at KS4 (Key Stage) and KS5  Religious Studies/Education reports for 2018/19.


It was noted that there were students who had not taken RE at exam level and questioned whether any provisions had been made my schools to provide some RE  teaching. 


Members discussed that schools may value any support that SACRE could provide. SACRE therefore agreed that the Chair/Vice-Chair and Professional Adviser would draft a letter to headteachers and RE leads/co-ordinators offering advice and asking what material resources they may require that SACRE could support the school with in the provision for non-GCSE RE students. SACRE would provide support to any schools in Slough that requested it:




i)  That Summary of the analysis at KS4 and KS5 Religious Studies/Education for 2018/19 be noted.

ii)  That the Chair/Vice-Chair and Professional Adviser would draft a letter to headteachers and RE leads/co-ordinators offering advice and asking what material resources they may require that SACRE could support the school with in the provision for non-GCSE RE students.

Supporting documents: