Agenda item

Appointment of Scrutiny Panels


Consideration was given to a report that sought approval for the establishment of three Scrutiny Panels and the appointment of Members to serve on them for the 2020/21 Municipal year.


Members noted the additional nominations proposed as set out in the supplementary agenda.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Scrutiny Panels set out in paragraph 5.1 of the report be appointed for the 2020/21 Municipal Year.


(b)  That the allocation of seats to the Panels set out in paragraph 5.2 of the report be noted.


(c)  That the allocation of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of each Panel be agreed on the basis set out in paragraph 5.3 of the report, and that these appointments be ratified at the first meeting of each Panel.


(d)  That Members be appointed to serve on each of the Panels as set out



Education & Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel – Cllrs Basra (Chair), Kelly (Vice-Chair), Ajaib, Begum, A. Cheema, N.Holledge, Qaseem, A. Sandhu and Sarfraz.


Health Scrutiny Panel – Cllrs A.Sandu (Chair), Smith (Vice-Chair), Ali,  Begum, Gahir, N. Holledge,  Mohammad, Qaseem and Rasib.


Neighbourhoods & Community Services Scrutiny Panel – Cllrs Hulme (Chair), Kelly (Vice- Chair), Ajaib, Gahir, M.Holledge, Matloob, Minhas, S.Parmar and Sabah.


(e)  That the following co-opted Members be appointed to the Scrutiny



Education & Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel


Voting Co-opted Members


Nominations awaited.


Non-Voting Co-opted Members


Secondary School Representative - Paul Kassapian

Slough Youth Parliament - Fifi El Sayed


Health Scrutiny Panel


Non-Voting Co-opted Member

Colin Pill - Healthwatch Representative


Buckinghamshire Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee – nomination awaited.


Neighbourhoods & Community Services Scrutiny Panel


Non-Voting Co-opted Members


Residents Board Panel – Manvinder Matharu and Trevor Pollard

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