Agenda item

P/04888/022 - Former Octagon, Brunel Way, Slough, SL1 1QY

Officer’s Recommendation:  Delegate to the Planning Manager for Approval





Redevelopment of temporary car park comprising the erection of a 7 storey building to provide 19,608 sqm including B1 office floorspace, ground floor retail uses (Use Class A1/A3), and car parking, alongside associated landscaping, access and servicing areas.



Delegated to the Planning Manager for approval subject to:


(i)  A revised plan is submitted by the applicant detailing the omission of the proposed vehicular lay-by on Brunel Way.

(ii)  Appropriate planning conditions and/or obligations are secured as necessary following the submission of further transport modelling and safety auditing of the amended highways provisions.

(iii)  The satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure financial contributions  towards sustainable transport improvements including electrical vehicle infrastructure in the town centre, public realm and landscaping enhancements and provision of Travel Plan and Section 278 highways/access works; 

(iv)  Finalising  conditions and any other minor changes; or


For refusal if the S106 was not completed by 31st September 2020,unless this date be otherwise agreed by the Planning Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee.



Supporting documents: