Agenda item

SACRE Membership News (An update from members regarding activities undertaken since the last SACRE meeting)


Julie Siddiqi reported that she was participating in a Government Roundtable discussion with different faith groups and different places of worship. The fact that this issue was on the government agenda was encouraging and welcomed the promotion of religious tolerance.


It was noted that the task force had acknowledged the difficulties faced by many faith groups that worshipped using singing. The Government had tried to navigate and make allowances whilst trying to keep people safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Councillor Smith reported that a Slough Borough Council Local Outbreak Management Plan setting out the Council’s plans for the management of local outbreaks of COVID-19 had been agreed at the Council meeting in June 2020 for managing local coronavirus hotspots. A guidance setting out 12 different scenarios of proposed outbreak response locally included a scenario for churches, schools and religious gatherings. It was highlighted that SACRE members had not been consulted in the preparation of this guidance. It had also been identified that some hard to reach communities were related to faith groups and acknowledged that SACRE members would be in the position to provide support in reaching such groups in the community.


Resolved that:


i)  The Slough Borough Council Local Outbreak Management Plan - Covid – 19 be circulated to SACRE members.