Agenda item

Update on Growth Allocations/Issues


It was explained that the Growth Fund supported schools with funding for new places, due to the lag in funding.  These funding amounts were reviewed annually by Schools Forum.  In November 2019 Schools Forum had agreed the mechanisms for the year 2020/21 (for permanent new classes, bulge classes, numbers over PAN etc).


Appendix A of the report outlined the outturn figure for 2019/20, with the only change from previous versions being the removal of the contingency items.  There was a carry forward of £284,000 which was higher than generally  considered necessary.  In 2020/21 the top slice would be £600,000 which it was considered would  be sufficient.


It was noted the heading on Appendix B ‘Estimated 2019/20 Requirements’ should read ‘2020/21’.  It was confirmed that St Mary’s had now fully expanded, with Wexham School funded for 210 last year, their PAN had now expanded to 240 so they would be supported for one additional class.  Funding for the underwriting of Grove Academy which the Local Authority (LA) had entered into with the DfE and had been raised over a number of years. It was noted it had been requested that £47,000 be included for April through to August but Susan Woodland would be carrying out a piece of work to reconcile how that figure had been reached.


Grove Academy had reduced their admission number to 120 for September 2020 entry. It appeared that the DfE had been informed of this at the same time as the LA who had wanted an entry number of 150 for 2020/21.  As this had been late, it was possible the DfE would not fund the class. The LA did not want the school to be underfunded so a line had been added to cover if the school should lose their case with the DfE.  Schools Forum were advised primary numbers were increasing at Grove Academy although the new buildings were not ready, which could result in a third class having to be opened if there were sufficient successful appeals etc.


Members were alerted to the note on Appendix B indicating the AWPU amounts quoted would be checked and  updates issued to ensure schools were clear (NB: revised papers issued 15 July 2020).


Appendices C & D had been included to give an indication of amounts which could be requested for future top slice.


It was explained that there was a large Year 6 cohort across the authority which was likely to create a need for bulge classes for Year 7.  This issue would be discussed further by the LA with schools and SASH.


The underspend in 2019/20 was queried, along with that in 2018/19, both of which were in the region of £200,000+ and whether the correct amount had been allocated and how it would be used  going forward.  It was confirmed any underspend was rolled forward and reduced the top slice. £200,000+ would possibly be more than necessary but was dependent on whether it was used for contingency classes.  It was for Schools Forum to ensure there was an appropriate mechanism in place to retain a contingency fund.


Tony Madden returned to Appendix B which allowed for a provisional primary class and a provisional secondary class, along with the fifth Year 7 class at Grove Academy, which would not be required if funded by the DfE. The underwriting would not come to Schools Forum until it reached 50% of the LA’s obligation. The lowest possible carry forward could be £300,000 if none of those areas were required but it was probable the Year 7 bulge classes and the fifth Year 7 class at Grove Academy would be needed.


With regards to funding of the 150 places at Grove Academy it would be for the Academy to advise the LA and, if the DfE would not fund, the LA would release the monies. It could be too early for Schools Forum to decide whether they wished to transfer any of the funds to the DSG as it was anticipated these funds would be required.


It was added that the top slice had previously been reduced from £900,000 to £800,000 and as the amount was now in excess of that of the previous year, it was queried whether there would be a proposal to  reduce the top slice further.  It was hoped the top slice could be reduced to £750,000 or possibly £650,000 in the following year.


3.00pm: Tony Madden left the meeting


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