Agenda item

Early Years Update


Michael Jarrett reported that one of the major issues was the budget uncertainty for nursery schools, which had already been highlighted.


The Early Years Task Group had met on Friday 31 January to discuss the Early Years Funding Formula.  Four options had been agreed which had then been shared in consultation via Survey Monkey.  Response had been excellent and there had been an overwhelming vote in favour of increases (effective from 1 April 2020).  Entitlements had been agreed:


2-year olds: £5.59 to £5.67, an increase of £0.08 per hour

3/4 year olds: £5.38 to £5.49, an increase of £0.11 per hour

Deprivation: £0.75 to £0,72, a reduction of £0.03 per hour

Pupil Premium: to remain the same at 53p per hour


It was noted the increases had been well received by the Early Years sector and the 95% pass through rate had been maintained.


The major concern remained around the funding issues for the Autumn term 2020.