Agenda item

Impact of Covid-19 on School Finances: DfE Guidance on Exceptional Costs


Susan Woodland confirmed there were two main elements: £600m Catch Up as a one-off grant and £350m grant for a national tutoring programme for those most disadvantaged pupils during the year 2020/21.


It was explained that the DfE’s Covid financial assistance element would not cover the loss of any self-generated income. The most likely costs to be reimbursed would be increased costs in premises, utilities, hygiene, additional cleaning, supporting FSM for eligible children etc.


There were limits on the possible funding available which were dependent on pupil numbers, with different elements for special schools and alternative provision.


There would not be as much support for Early Years as the DfE had been felt the DSG payment would continue and therefore the impact would not be as great on that sector. In the case of PPI nurseries, as they were not covered by the DSG, the DfE had considered they could apply for the business rate scheme. If they were not receiving private income they should have considered the job retention scheme and the furloughing staff.


Susan Woodland would follow up a member query on whether the Catch-Up funding would come into the LA, prior to being shared with maintained schools and confirmed there was Headteacher discretion on spending as long as the funding was spent on small groups.


It was pointed out that applications for funding were dependent on carry forward monies and members were advised to study the DfE guidance.