Agenda item

P/01272/012: The Willow Tree, 62, Station Road, Langley, Slough, SL3 8BT

Officer’s Recommendation:  Delegate to Planning Manager for Approval





Demolition of existing structures and redevelopment of the site for a part single through to a part five storey building to accommodate 41 residential units, with associated parking and amenity provision.



Refused, for the following reasons:


1.  The scale, layout and appearance would have a very strongly urbanising effect within an area which at present was largely suburban in character, and while there is no objection to the redevelopment of this site for residential purposes a building of the scale proposed bore no relationship to the scale and character of the site and its surroundings, and would represent an over-development of the site.


2.  The scale of the proposed building and its layout would have a severely detrimental impact on the privacy and amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties, which outweighed the benefits of the provision of the additional residential accommodation.



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