Agenda item

Slough Local Outbreak Management


The Director of Adults and Communities introduced a report that set out how Slough Borough Council was actively managing the Covid-19 outbreak through implementation of the Local Outbreak Management Plan, in collaboration with public health and local partners.


During the course of the discussion, the following points were raised:


  • The Council had new powers under The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) Regulations 2020 in prescribed circumstances to give directions (to close or restrict) individual premises, events and public outdoor places to curb the incidence and spread of Covid.
  •  The Council had established the #OneSlough Community Champions network, which had attracted a high number of residents interested in becoming Champions.  The Champion role involved sharing factual information and promoting key communications as widely as possible  to residents within the community. 
  • It was noted that home testing kits could be delivered to a resident’s door, allowing them to test themselves without leaving the house. Initially, the availability of home testing kits had been limited, but this had now improved.


The Chair on behalf of the Panel thanked all Council staff for the work undertaken throughout the pandemic.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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