Agenda item

Slough Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) COVID-19 Project Update


The Public Health Programme Manager introduced a report that provided a comprehensive update on the Slough Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Pilot Project.


Evidence showed that the burden of illness and death due to Covid-19 was not shouldered equally across the population.  The risk of dying was higher among those in BAME groups, than for those in white ethnic groups.  Given the demographic of the Borough, Slough residents were at a higher risk of harms and this had been evident in the patterns of illness to date.


The aim of the BAME Project was to strengthen the ability of individuals and communities to work in partnership with the NHS, the local authority, and public health and voluntary sector organisations to protect themselves from the direct and indirect harms of Covid. 


The Chair then invited comments and questions from the Panel.


During the course of the discussion, the following points were raised:


  • A Member asked if there was any data to demonstrate the impact of poor housing on health and well-being.  It was explained that in high density areas such as Farnham Road and Chalvey there was an increased risk of Covid transmission.  Large multigenerational households were also at an increased risk of transmitting the virus to family members. 
  • Concerns were raised in relation to large groups of people gathering, particularly in religious buildings.  A Member queried how the Council was monitoring and enforcing the current legislation restricting social gatherings.  It was explained that random spot checking was resource intensive; therefore it would be useful to receive information directly from councillors relating to particular locations or venues of concern.  Receipt of local intelligence also strengthened the Local Outbreak Planning.
  • It was noted that ‘word of mouth’ was the most effective mechanism of communicating public health messages, particularly when promoted by community leaders. The #OneSlough Community Champions used a network of residents to promote the latest Covid-19 updates and advice within the community.


The Chair thanked the Public Health Programme Manager for the report.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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