Agenda item

Revenue Financial Budget Monitoring - Quarter 1 2020/21


The Interim Service Lead, Finance introduced a report that provided an update on the financial position of the Council’s Revenue Account for Quarter 1 of the 2020-21 financial year.


It was reported that the 2020-21 approved net budget for the Council was £124.412 million.  At Quarter 1, the forecasted year end position for all Council run services was an overspend of £1.943 million; the overspend took into account the Covid grant of £12.708 million.


The Council was currently operating in a period of financial difficulty, primarily due to Covid-19 pressures and increased demand for services.  The position would continue to be monitored closely, acknowledging that the current estimates remained provisional as the full impacts of Covid continued to emerge.


The Chair invited Members to comment and ask questions.


During the course of the discussion, the following points were raised:


  • It was queried if the entire Covid-19 grant had been received.  It was explained that the Covid grant would be £12.708 million in total ; £9.070 million had been confirmed and £3.631million was provisional.
  • Further information was sought in relation to the Slough Children’s Services Trust forecast overspend of £1.692 million.  It was explained that the overspend related to Covid-19 pressures and the increased number of Children Looked After.  A dedicated officer had been assigned to work with the Trust to reduce the overspend. 
  • It was noted that the Parking directorate was showing a forecast £0.468 million year end variance position.  This was due to the reduced income received from car parking charges.  A review of charges was due to be undertaken imminently. 
  • In relation to the Council’s savings, it was noted that due to the impact of Covid a large proportion of the identified savings were now deemed unachievable.
  • It was noted that there were pressures on the Dedicated Schools Grant, particularly in relation to high need provision.  It was explained that nationally, local authorities were facing similar pressures and this area would continue to be reviewed. .
  • Additional details relating to Slough Children’s Services Trust, Inclusion budget forecasted overspend of £0.018 million were requested.  It was agreed that this information would be circulated to the Committee following the meeting.


Resolved –

(a)  That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted:


  I.  the reported underlying financial position of the Council for the year end 2020-21;

  II.  the Councils provisional reserve balances for the year end 2020-21;

  III.  the proposed budget transfer (virements) for 2020-21 as detailed in section 9 of the report; and

  IV.  the proposed write-offs for the first quarter of 2020-21 as detailed in section 10 of the report.


(b)  That the Interim Service Lead, Finance be requested to circulate further details of the Slough Children’s Trust Inclusion Service forecasted overspend to the Committee.

Supporting documents: